By Fykkhttdsetkkhvln - 26/04/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, I was snuggling with my neighbors four week old kitten while babysitting their kids. I fell asleep, rolled over, and woke up next to a dead kitten. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 801
You deserved it 58 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sincerely hope that this is a fake : That's just completely terrible :(

That's just enormous amount of pure fail. You fall asleep while you should be looking after their kids AND you kill their kitten. I hope you don't do this regularly.


Bookie2152 0

#129 - you should hang yourself for being over-dramatic

average_girl 0

srry 130 i did not actually mean he should rlly go hang himself.. i just love cats so much and it hurts me so much 2 hear about a little kitten who dies b/c somebody was so careless and stupid!

Wow, so much anguish over a cat. So it missed it's rightfull place as future road kill or target practice, big deal.

DanceRox9008 0

this is angela from the office and i just died. well i fainted. and then my cats saved me. i saw sprinkles while i was out. this is terrible you sick sick person. and you should have died in place of the cat.

average_girl 0

134 u should go hang urself 4 being a bitch and an animal abuser

asxp10 0

#4, they have to be about 8 weeks old to be adopted. Although, the family could be breeders.

Unless the kitten was part of a litter that the neighbours were raising, this story is untrue. The earliest a kitten can be weaned and sent off to new owners is 7 weeks.

id0nTgiv3af___ 0

how could you!!! btw i agree with 134!!

However, the story suggests that the neighbours only had one kitten. I'm apt to think that this story is made up.

I don't understand why some of you are so adamant about it not mattering because it was a cat. Cats are living things too... People seem to like them less because they're not mindlessly devoted and obedient like dogs. Frankly I like a little personality in an animal. Cats>dogs