By lonesome - 15/12/2014 03:22 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I was so lonely, I tried to get into bed noiselessly while pretending I had a boyfriend asleep in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 559
You deserved it 6 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did you pretend that he woke up and you had an argument with him? Who ended up sleeping on the couch?

At least you have a good imaginary boyfriend and not one that stumbles home piss drunk at 4am.


TheThriftWalker 6

My ex long distance gf lived in Pennsylvania

That.... That.... Is so pathetic, no offense

Me too! I thought I was just crazy but I'm glad to see others do the same thing!

GGitsNami 10

Jeez that sounds a bit depressing.

emmiebug 5

Aw I'm sorry one day this will come true

Kaalschneid 21

at the very least, good luck finding the light sleeper of your fantasies.

I cuddle with my pillow, every night. It's ok

We've all been there, OP. And remember, somewhere out there, there's a guy who pretended to noiselessly crawl into bed with you :)