By beatricesank - 23/05/2009 14:03 - Canada

Today, I was straightening my hair when I heard this crunching, sizzling sound. Taking the flat iron away, I realized that I had just fused a spider to my hair with the heat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 004
You deserved it 6 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arachnid girl. Just tell people its an exotic hair clip :)

Aww, its just giving your hair some protein. Ick though...that sucks


how is this an FML? just pick it out of your hair and go about your regular activities

This is not an FML. But it is gross. And I feel bad for the spiderr.

Why do people always say "And that's why you..blah blah blah" When someone does something like this? Who the **** thinks a spiders going to be on their head? Kinda feel bad for the spider..not you hah.

That is disgusting. A spider...If I were you I'd cry my eyes out. And #126 is an asshole.

#4 - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha stupid PETA member

kaydeets 0

poor spider ); that must have suckedd.