By beatricesank - 23/05/2009 14:03 - Canada

Today, I was straightening my hair when I heard this crunching, sizzling sound. Taking the flat iron away, I realized that I had just fused a spider to my hair with the heat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 004
You deserved it 6 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arachnid girl. Just tell people its an exotic hair clip :)

Aww, its just giving your hair some protein. Ick though...that sucks


mmiikkee 0

Reading this was the biggest waste of my time. **** you

Twinfools2431 0

tht is gross thtss all I have to say

lolololcheese 0

yeah ok never straightening my hair again...

I would have died. I am so scared of bugs. :-|

nolli024 0

OhMyGod. If that was me I'd freak out! I'd scream and run to someone and tell them to get it out. Ewww, I am cringing just thinking about it. I'm ahuge arachniphope. FYL definitely.

KaitlinCuteFace 0

hahaha That's so funny. . . I would have freaked out though.

ryguy997 0