By Anonymous - 19/04/2011 15:06 - United States

Today, I was taking a crap in a public stall when three kids broke down the door and pelted me with eggs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 155
You deserved it 6 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyMuse7 0

I would have pelted them with my shit

I would've scrambled out of their as quickly as possible.


omg I was walking by stall and some kids were doing that. maybe that was you :). I loled

lemoncows 2

why were you in the men's bathroom???

OP could had been in the women's bathroom for all we know.

Maybe that's why he was pelted with eggs

What eggxactly did you do to those kids to piss them off?

it was a reallyyyyyy bad smelling bowel movement ;)

Iknoweverything 29

I have a hard time believing this one... but then, I was never that ambitious as a kid. Plus, I wouldn't have bothered breaking down the door, I would have thrown them over the top so I couldn't be identified. (If I had enough imagination to actually go egg random shitters)

bigantennaemay 3

huh. and people still laugh when i tell them kids are bad news, kids are a burden unto society, kids are evil, etc. etc.

braceletsandhell 7

Most definetly. It's all of them who go out of their way to torture everyone(;

Snowstar 0

Yes, yes we do. To make it up to you, I'll give you a littke warning... That 'lemon flavored' melatonin? The one for your insomnia? I know why its not working. You don't wanna know.

That's why you do your business at home in private. What do you do in that situation? Do you just try and teach the kids a lesson or do you finish??? Decisions, decisions.

pinkchocolatex3 0

You shouldve crapper on them