By fuckMYlife94321 - 26/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap while my mom was at work. I woke up when she came home and didn't think anything of it so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, I went downstairs and our 52" plasma screen TV, my xbox 360, and $1500 computer were all stolen. I'm guessing that wasn't my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 872
You deserved it 13 760

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your powers of observaton astound me.


arz07892 0

your not supposed to play video games on a plasma it burns the screan

It's a good thing that you didn't go see if it was your mom. You might've startled the robber and he might've killed you.

star_ver 0

Boohoo. If you can afford all that, maybe you guys should have sprung for ADT or something.

KilgoreTrout_fml 0

Yeeeeeah, if you can afford a 52" plasma it's kinda hard to feel sorry for you when it gets stolen. Just curl up in the back of your Lexus and cry it out.

AntiChrist7 0

so what? you probably have another 3 plasma TV's at home.

uh to everyone who keeps asking how he wrote this, he probably has another computer in his house considering his mom probably has one of her own too

Landskrona 0

My god! that sucks! I feel sorry for you and especially I feel sorry for your mom that has to buy a new TV..

takemeaway10 0

Did anyone consider this? The tv he plays XBox 360 on isn't the plasma?? Though, I know some of you are on here just to be an anonyoous jerk.... have fun.

takemeaway10 0

Oh yeah, that isn't the issue with newer models of plasma TVs.