By fuckMYlife94321 - 26/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap while my mom was at work. I woke up when she came home and didn't think anything of it so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, I went downstairs and our 52" plasma screen TV, my xbox 360, and $1500 computer were all stolen. I'm guessing that wasn't my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 867
You deserved it 13 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your powers of observaton astound me.


The OP DID explain his situation and bandits DO break in houses cus sum of us lock doors, lol. But it sux...FYL. I got it worst tho...we went on a trip for a month, came back and found EVERYTHING missing...carpets, doors, hinges, bulbs, furniture. The only thing left was the paint and plumbing. And yes. My toilet was stolen too. They told my neighbours we moved and sent a truck to take everything...

#56, Learn how to use this miracle of the WEB we have here, mmk? And do you know how ****** his life is if his OWN computer was stolen? Passwords, personal information, pictures of friends, emails, contacts, maybe personal videos or pictures, stuff he BOUGHT with his OWN money. If you dont understand, why dont you post your credit card # and emails.

Consider it a blessing that you didn't walk up to someone robbing your home, who may or may not have had a weapon, thinking it was your mom.

And to those who said "how couldn't you hear them moving or unplugging it?" And computers can be laptops, Xbox 360s have 2 cords, which can be easily replaced, and a plasma TV the cords cold be cut, you know, with those scissor things?

kellster 2

Guess you should have checked?? Were the doors not locked? How odd that you didn't notice the multiple trips it must have taken to move all that stuff...

Haha smoke some more dope dude............

Toripwrs 0

hey, where are you from? i know of this girl who got a ton of stuff recently... just sonunds coincidental.

total suckage! our xbox got stolen a couple months back... :[