By fuckMYlife94321 - 26/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking a nap while my mom was at work. I woke up when she came home and didn't think anything of it so I went back to sleep. When I woke up again, I went downstairs and our 52" plasma screen TV, my xbox 360, and $1500 computer were all stolen. I'm guessing that wasn't my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 867
You deserved it 13 758

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Your powers of observaton astound me.


at least you didnt get hurt. and I really dont see how he gets a YDI cause if he had caught them he coukd have been hurt or worse killed. you never know.

Normally when I'm in my room, and hear my mum go into the kitchen when she comes home from somewhere, I go and say G'day. So you kinda deserve it.

Two words. Constant vigilance. Hopefully you'll pay more attention in the future. Slight paranoia can be a good thing.

Look at it on the bright side. As long as you remember your Microsoft account you can save all Xbox data. If the computer is 1500 it's Apple and apple computers suck. And now u can get a better tv