By fuckingdieyouoldhag - 20/05/2014 20:08 - United States

Today, I was taking a selfie. My grandma saw me, then after smirking to herself, she went and told my parents that I was "doing that sexting thing". They believed her and grounded me, even after I showed that all my photos and sent messages were totally innocent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 665
You deserved it 9 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

your username, wtf? that aside, try returning the favour and frame her for something?

OP believes her grandma is an old hag, and wishes death upon her. Pretty straightforward, really.


I see nothing wrong with selfies, why do you guys hate them so much? If a girl feels pretty enough to take one, good for her. As for OP's username, her grandma treats her like this over a selfie, how do you know shes not worse? Yes wishing death is a little extreme but maybe her grandma is a first class bitch.

I don't think morals have anything to do with it.

That's one of those times you want to move to the other side of the country away from them, for sure.

My parents do the same thing. They saw on Fox news that people were using Snapchat to sext, and immediately grounded me for having the app. I mean come on, who sexts using snapchat

There really is no hope for kids these days is there? You'll regret that username one day, when you grow up and realize how important family is, when they are gone. You little brat. And yes, "selfies" are obnoxious and I am absolutely sick of that word.

soragirlfriend 8

Pretty sure if someone was a lying bitch to me I would absolutely not miss them, and probably would piss on their grave.

How stupid are the other commenters? Yes, she "wishes the old hag would die". And? Wouldn't you feel the same about your grandma if she framed you after you tried unsuccessfully to prove your innocence? She obviously doesn't literally wish death upon her, but come on! If I were in her case, I'd be pretty pissed too. She's obviously a teenager! Teens can't control their emotions as well as many people would like (and one would hope the older guys here would know better). Hitting YDI for the username and for "taking selfies" makes you guys just as mature/bitchy as the grandma. I feel for you, OP. Try to talk to your parents once more when things calm down a bit.

Stop bein a bitch and go beat her up for snitchin