By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 18:47 - Ireland

Today, I was taking my architecture project to school. I'd spent days preparing my little model house. I stepped outside with it in my hand, and right at that moment a gust of wind ripped it away. It's currently lying in my neighbour's garden, smashed to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 570
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must not have been a very solid model house. FYL though.

takeapieandrun 9

Yeah... maybe you should have taken that into consideration.


FYL for sure. :( Next time put it in some kind of container.

No worries just call Alex Russo, I got her on speed dial.

You'd have failed anyway it doesn't sound like it was very stable..

I can only imagine what "shit my ******* project" would sound like with an Irish accent no less from Dublin

Agrees with #62 its just a model for asthetical purposes and as an example of what the thing looks like, its not actually suposed to stay up in that kind of wind, its made of card and glue and attached to a board, im sure if everyones houses were made of card and glue they would blow away in the wind all the same, you surely cant expect a model to be accurate in such a way that it is equal to the structural integrity of a house.

That's rough. Take it in anyway. if they can see the work in it maybe it will buy you some time to fix or redo it.

see, if you lived where I do that model would have been built to comply with hurricane codes, and in turn would have laughed at the gust of wind!

dabullzzsuck 1

typical dumbass architect, an engineer would have designed it for a wind load.

Scoop up the pieces and smoosh it back together with some glue. This is how Frank Gehry got started.