By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 18:47 - Ireland

Today, I was taking my architecture project to school. I'd spent days preparing my little model house. I stepped outside with it in my hand, and right at that moment a gust of wind ripped it away. It's currently lying in my neighbour's garden, smashed to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 570
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must not have been a very solid model house. FYL though.

takeapieandrun 9

Yeah... maybe you should have taken that into consideration.


Sucks but how bout u forget about it and smoke sum bud... ull forget all bout it...

Neylin 7

It sucks, my brother has to do projects all the time and I get to see what a pain in the ass it is. Not going to say YDI but rather learn to take precaution against all odds when working with models.

that's why you hold it with TWO hands and hold it tight.

How was it SMASHED to pieces if it was BLOWN away? Did the wind smash it?

Well, when fragile stuff meets the ground, things happen. Bad things. Like smashes.

Almost the same thing happened to me in 6th grade. I tripped up the stairs at school and dumped my project :/

wonderful_wendy 0

ugh! gotta hate those random gust of winds that seem to ruin everything.