By Anonymous - 12/01/2011 18:47 - Ireland

Today, I was taking my architecture project to school. I'd spent days preparing my little model house. I stepped outside with it in my hand, and right at that moment a gust of wind ripped it away. It's currently lying in my neighbour's garden, smashed to pieces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 570
You deserved it 4 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must not have been a very solid model house. FYL though.

takeapieandrun 9

Yeah... maybe you should have taken that into consideration.


I guess that's just the way the wind blows. Next time if you do something like this on the fly be prepared. You shouldn't leave it up in the air if your project will fly with your teachers, or if it will blow them away. lol first time sorry

Is this really what I was like when I was 14?

the wind on a small house like that would be just like a tornado on a big house. then smashing into the ground. has nothing to do with structure of the house. you don't deserve it op! however maybe a transportation box would have helped.

Tell your prof you're designing in the deconstructionist method. A+!!!!

Jaykayfu 0

Oh dang. Yeee, **** your life. "/