By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 12:37 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I was talking to a colleague about love. He told me he's given up on love because things ended badly with a previous girl. I said, "Maybe it wasn't meant to be, and she wasn't the one." He then said the reason it didn't work out was because she killed herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 763
You deserved it 4 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amileah13 26

Don't feel bad op, you didn't know and hopefully he understood that.

OP, there's no way you have possibly known that. Apologize and maybe take him out to a nice lunch.


First of all, there was no way you could have known that. Second of all, you're not wrong.

saffy66 34

Your comment was still valid. The right person would have stayed with him and not killed herself. I hope he can grow to realise that one bad experience doesn't mean there can't be good ones ahead.

I hate the stigma behind mental illness! Would you say the same thing if she would have died of cancer?

Suicide isn't mental illness. It can be a result but nothing here indicates it.

No because you can treat one of them

corky1992 33

How were you supposed to know that? Don't be too hard on yourself. You showed that you cared and that's what matters.

CliffyB03 28

Obviously she wasn't the one

You said the most neutral inoffensive thing you could. You did well OP.

DeltaDragonxx 20

OP, there is most likely no way you could of know about this, so you shouldn't feel bad. That is unless he told everyone when it happened.

Well at least now you know it wasn't meant to be...

dakotaabriannee 14

Well damn, I wasn't expecting that one. But you also didn't know that so its not your fault, OP!

I am such a bad person for laughing at this

Sadly, I can say this happened to me too. I know how you feel homes.