By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 12:37 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I was talking to a colleague about love. He told me he's given up on love because things ended badly with a previous girl. I said, "Maybe it wasn't meant to be, and she wasn't the one." He then said the reason it didn't work out was because she killed herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 763
You deserved it 4 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amileah13 26

Don't feel bad op, you didn't know and hopefully he understood that.

OP, there's no way you have possibly known that. Apologize and maybe take him out to a nice lunch.


Hey guys, I was the one who posted this and I'd like to thank you all for your lovely comments. It was a horrible situation to be in, I actually started crying because I just felt so bad. I understand now it wasn't my fault as I had absoultely no idea. I'd just like to say that we became very good friends and he's in a much better place, I wish the best for him.

nitrog100 21

YDI for being a platitudypus, OP.

The word "platitudypus" may be one of the most frequently useful things I've learned from this website. And that's saying something.

Aw that's so sad. Did he say why she killed herself or were you too embarrassed to continue the conversation? I know I'd be

Mortoli 30

well guess it wasnt meant to be

At least you didn't say anything super negative about the girl; what you said appears to be pretty tame. I hope he understands.

Don't feel bad OP you didn't know. You tried to cheer him up. Also to be honest, saying "it ended badly" to a suicide is sugarcoating it too much. I ain't going to blame him for the misunderstanding but all in all you tried to be nice.