By Anonymous - 20/08/2015 12:37 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, I was talking to a colleague about love. He told me he's given up on love because things ended badly with a previous girl. I said, "Maybe it wasn't meant to be, and she wasn't the one." He then said the reason it didn't work out was because she killed herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 763
You deserved it 4 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amileah13 26

Don't feel bad op, you didn't know and hopefully he understood that.

OP, there's no way you have possibly known that. Apologize and maybe take him out to a nice lunch.


Oh jeez. Sorry OP! There's really no way you could have known that though.

That's horrible. Unfortunately if it was depression or drug-related, there was probably not much he could have done about it. I hope he realizes that it wasn't his fault.

Now I've heard of turning a woman gay....but getting her to kill herself, that's on a whole new level. FYL man, fyl.

corky1992 33

What makes you think it had anything to do with him? Maybe he had no idea and she showed no signs of depression. Show some compassion.

That is probably one of the most insensitive things I have heard in awhile. Suicide can come from many things whether it's a chemical imbalance, or depression, you just honestly do not know. Implying that he caused her suicide is completely terrible.

There's no way you could have known. I'm not sure why so many people are voting YDI, but the comments are all supportive. Unless he told you, you couldn't assume she'd taken her own life.

It's okay OP, you made an honest mistake. It's not your fault.

Steve97 32

Poor guy nobody should have to go through that. Fhl :(

now see there is no way for you to guess that. so don't feel bad

That kind of proves your point further doesn't it?

Not like either of you did anything wrong, but I feel like your colleague could have made that more obvious