By the bad artist - 10/09/2012 00:12 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I was talking to an art critic at an exhibition. He told me that the artist had no talent and went on to tell me everything wrong with each painting. I'd painted them all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 389
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well in fairness if you got them showcased in an exhibition surely somebody finds your work good! Besides that don't let critics stop you from painting if it makes you happy.

Im just gotta choose how to handle what he said, possibly use it as constructive criticism?


Two words... Pompous Ass! Screw him and remember Picasso... He couldn't give a painting away. Now, he's the toast of the town (in absentia)!!

mega20913 8

screw him...if they're at an exhibition then they must be good enough for that

redmane 21

Anyone can put up an exhibition.

Most Art critics know **** all about art, take it as a compliment that your work is hated by one, it means that its actually good :)

Now I'm curious. Why were you watching it if you hate it?

A "bad artist" dose not exist keep doing what you are doing and don't let anyone get in you're way.

redmane 21

I've seen some pretty bad art.

You're shit with grammar too OP. That would be an art critic, not a art critic.

wildsweetchild 19

Thanks for correcting her, but seriously... give her a the way she wrote it, seems like there is a big chance that English is her second language.

BlackBlazeCobra 16

The art career is too harsh; I'm glad I got out of it before I started. Sorry, OP. Try not to let it get to you, and try to think of it as constructive criticism. If you're happy with your work, good. But there's always room for improvement.

wildsweetchild 19

Art is a form of expression..the goal is to be true to yourself, since most of the time we are our own best critics. Do what you do and screw what others think. He's a critic but I'm more than sure that he's not the artist and most likely he wouldn't be able to create what you've created and improve it by applying his own critique. It's much easier to see and judge creations of others, but it's not easy to create something yourself.

redmane 21

You need to have tough skin to be an artist. You also need to take what critics say and run with it. They think your art is bad? Go learn new ways to improve. Don't just whine about one person complaining about your art. That just makes you weak. AP High school Art and College/university art classes do critiques for a reason. The annoying opinionated douche that used to verbally tear my pieces apart is now jealous that I can paint a realistic self portrait of greater quality than she can.