By the bad artist - 10/09/2012 00:12 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I was talking to an art critic at an exhibition. He told me that the artist had no talent and went on to tell me everything wrong with each painting. I'd painted them all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 389
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well in fairness if you got them showcased in an exhibition surely somebody finds your work good! Besides that don't let critics stop you from painting if it makes you happy.

Im just gotta choose how to handle what he said, possibly use it as constructive criticism?


Hahaha removed my comment and changed the FML

astralvagan 20

It's just one persons comments though.... There will always be critics of art, in all forms..... From movies to canvas to tattoos, positive or negative, everyone is a critic. Just keep your head high and keep painting!

You realize that you have your own exhibition right OP? That isn't an easy thing to achieve..unless you just payed to rent this place...

astralvagan 20

I'm willing to bet that she has kids that watch it.

stewpididiot 11

Art critic = pretentious asshat

Don't let it get to you. All forms of art (visual, dance, drama and music) is expressing how you feel and your emotions etc. not everyone is into all art. This one critic is just one out of the 22million people in Australia and I'm sure many people would enjoy your work.

darth1 18

Look up and search for the most BS professions. Art critic is on there.

One man's masterpiece is another man's splattered paint on paper. Someone, someday might look at those and find meaning in life.

Justy101 23

Why do art critics become art critics? Because they don't have any artistic talent themselves. They're always bitchy and grumpy because they're jealous that you're making it and they never did.