By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend about our new year's resolutions. I started telling him that I wanted to lose some weight. He interrupted me, saying, "Yeah yeah, we all know you're fat, whatever." He then went on a 30 minute speech about how he'd really like to take more pictures of his cat in 2011. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 493
You deserved it 6 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's got a point. Almost everyone's New Year's Resolution I'd to lose weight. At least he was creative and came up with his own.

Hmm.. if this is the whole story, that really sucks. If you, however, have been complaining about your weight for a looong time and never actually did something about it other than complaining, then I can understand he might get fed up with it.


Hmm.. if this is the whole story, that really sucks. If you, however, have been complaining about your weight for a looong time and never actually did something about it other than complaining, then I can understand he might get fed up with it.

Throw him off the wall's battlements OP.

I'd rather hear something about cat pictures than about how fat you are and that you want to lose weight. Interesting. *yawns*

Iknoweverything 29

1. Everyone talks about losing weight. It's overdone. Most people don't stick to their plan past Martin Luther King Day. 2. If you talk about how fat you are (and I suspect you do) YDI. Be happy he's still with you despite your whining. 3. If you DON'T talk about it, break up with him if he's really that hurtful of a person. 4. Don't say you want to lose weight, just do it. Actions speak louder than words. Plus, it's cooler to hear people say "wow, have you lost weight?" than for you to tell them and for them to say "oh yeah, I see it" half-heartedly.

l_ 19

someone has been reading cracked articles

kaayalbx 0
sallen0046 4

YDI, not so much for being fat, but because you need to wait for the new year to make a resolution before you actually get off your butt and decide to do something about it. Sounds like he's heard it before, and I don't blame him. I'd get off the topic as quickly as possible too, as there's never an appropriate thing to say when a woman brings up her weight, and it sounds like he's had to sit through it multiple times before.

perdix 29

I'm thinking he was using a euphemism for your ******. I'm sure it will be a photographic challenge if you are going to lose weight. He'll have to stop using that ultra-wide-angle fish-eye lens he custom ordered to capture the enormity of your expansive hoo-hah.

QueenOfBoredom 0

:) this shouldn't be funny to me

Sounds like he's the deadweight you need to lose.

You deserve it for waiting until new years to do something about your weight. if you truly cared you would have done something about it long ago.