By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 19:34 - United Kingdom

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend about our new year's resolutions. I started telling him that I wanted to lose some weight. He interrupted me, saying, "Yeah yeah, we all know you're fat, whatever." He then went on a 30 minute speech about how he'd really like to take more pictures of his cat in 2011. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 493
You deserved it 6 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's got a point. Almost everyone's New Year's Resolution I'd to lose weight. At least he was creative and came up with his own.

Hmm.. if this is the whole story, that really sucks. If you, however, have been complaining about your weight for a looong time and never actually did something about it other than complaining, then I can understand he might get fed up with it.


My guess is either your fat and say it weekly your skinny with bad self esteem thinking your always fat and hes tired of it.

well we all now know why you're with a cat man... you're both ******* the least you can get

Great FYL, made me laugh. By the way, We all know you're fat.

franwins0827 7

You probably aren't fat but whine about your weight so much that people are sick of hearing about it. Seriously, if he is with you, then he doesn't think you're fat. If he legitimately thought that and is with you anyway, then he'd have said something supportive. So quit whining about how your size 6 self wants to be a size 2 and go make him a sammich.

dominikagirl 0

That's exactly what I was thinking :)

JawneeG 0

I bet he posts his cat pictures on cats that look like hitler! Him and his kitler don't care about your weight!

crimson_alize 2

ok these comments were big arguements that literally bored me to death! we can all agree the chick complain has some self esteem issues n her bf is annoyed by it. So some friendly advice to u OP, shut the hell up n maybe try anorexia that way ur boyfriend doesnt hav to listen to u bitch about ur fat ass all the time!

I wish they'd literally bored you to death, that way I wouldn't have had to read your horrible, stupid and ignorant comment.

probably sick of you constantly complaining abt being fat but never doing anything abt it.

that is such a great resolution! so original. your boyfriend seems like a real winner