By TrulyYours - 07/05/2009 12:39 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone. After a short pause I hear him say "I love you." Smiling I say, "I love you too." Then he says, "I was talking to my dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 566
You deserved it 5 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao, just tell him it's a good thing he loves his dog, cuz that's the only place he'll be getting any for a while

You two will inevitably break up... his dog will still be there by his side while you're talking crap about him to all of your friends (and probably most of his friends) and posting blogs about him on myspace ridiculing the size of his penis and sexual skills! Dog 1 You 0


spitball1074 2

Umm how old are you? Cause if you're like in your twenties it'd be a different thing, but if you're one of those teens that obsess over "love" in your high school years, then.... yeah.... High school love is rarely ever true love (not always true, but most of the time), and I don't really blame your bf. He loves his dog. So what? Everyone loves their dogs.... Maybe he said it to his dog, but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you. But like I said before, in high school, there really isn't any real love. It's basically just hormone crazed teens trying to get laid.

goldengophers12 0

You have poor grammar. That pretty much means you had it comin'.

this is a sign. he was talking to you, his female dog

Secretive voice," You dont have to hide it, I know you're a queer....[hang up]

thats what happen to me.. except he said it to his teddybears :S

LOL #1! I trust you hanged up the phone right away...

Hoax_fml 0

Fact: You don't have to love someone to go out with them - or even marry them. What exactly do you think this 'love' thing is anyway? Do you see it as a dependence issue, or is it about giving? Maybe the OP should give a little more, and it will be reciprocated as 'love'.

I love all the grammar Nazis that have commented on this. It's like they have nothing better to do then get on FMyLife and correct mistakes. Wow. Just a few words for you, you fail at life if you have to spend all your time here, correcting grammatical and spelling errors. Anyway. I'd agree with #72.

I always tell my dogs I love them, and it doesn't matter who's around when I tell them. I don't see what the big problem with it is. So F Nobody's Life. If you really have an issue with this, maybe you should mature a little bit. =)