By TrulyYours - 07/05/2009 12:39 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone. After a short pause I hear him say "I love you." Smiling I say, "I love you too." Then he says, "I was talking to my dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 566
You deserved it 5 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao, just tell him it's a good thing he loves his dog, cuz that's the only place he'll be getting any for a while

You two will inevitably break up... his dog will still be there by his side while you're talking crap about him to all of your friends (and probably most of his friends) and posting blogs about him on myspace ridiculing the size of his penis and sexual skills! Dog 1 You 0


ha ha/ clearly he's not fabulous at improv. = )

ohhhhshizzz 0

Dude, why does everyone feel the need to be the grammar police. Who cares it's the Internet and an FML post? It doesn't matter. As for OP: Aww, that is really messed up. But I love dogs, and if my mom ever allowed me to get one I would love it too. Though he should have really played it off, if you guys have been dating for a while and you really are committed to each other. This would be twice as bad if this was the first time he said he loved you.

ilovefmlife 0

ew unless he followed the "I was talking to my dog" with a "But you know I love you so much more" then dump his ass he doesn't deserve you.

He wants to bang his dog and you need grammar classes. You're perfect if you ask me.

agree with 20... also 1 and 44 u guys are retarded? guys love their dogs and u shouldnt get pissed if hes not fking ready to say I love you honestly... YDI for thinking its FYL

Lmao! Sounds like something I'd say. xD

sunkissed_surf 0

lmao that's happened to me.