By oldtimerclark - 21/06/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I was talking to my only grandson about how I was going to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and how it was going to cost a lot of money, he replied saying "Who cares, you're going to die soon anyways". FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 603
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow thats ****** up, I would have beat his ass, just to prove you still got the fight in ya.


ouchhhh kids can be so insensitive sometimes.. he probably didnt mean it like the way it sounded =/

ShenziSixaxis 0

Do what #1 said. And personally, I would have slapped that kid so hard he would've LOST some teeth.

girlygirl666 0

00754chan- Really? I don't know anyone in their 40's or 50's who don't have/use a computer.

Wow, that is really rude. I know some kids say some pretty rude/blunt things, but that was completely uncalled for. Fyl indeed. :(

lyndis_fml 0

This kid deserves to get his ass beat. You need to stop telling people they don't have a right to voice their opinions.

That's horrible. If he was a older kid, shame on him. He's just a ********. So screw him. One day he'll realize, that oh shit, he made a huge mistake.

i say you get your new teeth and then bite him very hard

philosopher 0

Reply: "Yeah, too bad that you are too." Well, if you still love him, then good for you.

this is obviously fake, how can old people know what fmylife is. dwam the case is solved.

I hope you slapped the shit out of him for that. I would remove him from my will too