By oldtimerclark - 21/06/2009 21:46 - United States

Today, I was talking to my only grandson about how I was going to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and how it was going to cost a lot of money, he replied saying "Who cares, you're going to die soon anyways". FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 603
You deserved it 3 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow thats ****** up, I would have beat his ass, just to prove you still got the fight in ya.


The fact itself that a grandpa knows fml is awesome, and I mean it. That's sick.

maxson_fml 0

Really? My dad turns 50 next year and he has a facebook page.

wow thats cold. i say you smack him back to world war 2

To you saying beat him I think you people have mental problems. You have no clue what it's like to get beaten every day of your life by your father(not whipped with a belt beaten with fists)it's a horrible thing to go threw and it happened to me for 10 years of my life so please keep your sperk dumbass comments to yourselfs. Oh, and leaving him out of the will won't that make you as immature as him? So all of you really need to shut up. - Tristan

I hope you know you can be a grandparent at 25. At 12 you may go threw puberty have sex get some one get them pregnant your child can do you same and then you are a 25 old grandparent.

Kids are so disrespectful. Especially in the US, we think old people should be locked up in a nursing home.

how old are half the people on here? honestly, my parents are in their 40's and they wouldn't have a clue about how to even use a computer..

What a little ******* piece of shit. Leave that cockmunch out of your will completely, like others said.