By properpissed - 03/06/2014 15:36 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was talking to one of my British friends online, and he told me to say "yew anchors" a few times really fast. I'm a fairly stupid person, and wasn't very focused, so I did as he said. When I finally figured what the words meant, my dad had heard and grounded me for cursing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 432
You deserved it 10 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#7, I don't know how to say this in a way that doesn't sound sarcastic, but THANK YOU! that would have taken me ages to figure out by myself.

So is it pronounced you anchors because if so idk what the bad word is


"Wankers" is what your father considers cursing? What the ******* **** is wrong with that ******?

OochenSnoochen 15

Lol I reckon good on him. Some kids get away with too much foul language sometimes.

Ariana_Grande_fml 8

I don't think it translates all that well with my California accent.

I said that a few times to see what it was he was trying to make you say haha

I never understood why people decided to set aside certain words as "bad words". It seems really childish.

I don't think it's "childish" if it's only adults who implement such things. I get your point though.

It's just the fact that certain words are considered rude, and therefore society uses those words rudely. If the word "bum" was taken by society to be as rude/bad a word as the "F" word than I wouldn't want my kid to say it and I probably wouldn't say it myself. It's not the words themselves but how society views them and how people use them.

I was once told to look down my shirt and slowly spell A-T-T-I-C. Took a few tries to understand the joke.

tehdarkness 21

That's not really a curse. Your dad sounds like a wanker.

yzzami 17

Op shows up as being from the US and got in trouble for saying wankers?

shankypotato 13

I think in the U.S., and correct me if I'm wrong, it has a more insulting meaning, which is to be George W. Bush.

I like how you say "I'm a fairly stupid person" lmao Got me rolling