By properpissed - 03/06/2014 15:36 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was talking to one of my British friends online, and he told me to say "yew anchors" a few times really fast. I'm a fairly stupid person, and wasn't very focused, so I did as he said. When I finally figured what the words meant, my dad had heard and grounded me for cursing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 432
You deserved it 10 165

Same thing different taste

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#7, I don't know how to say this in a way that doesn't sound sarcastic, but THANK YOU! that would have taken me ages to figure out by myself.

So is it pronounced you anchors because if so idk what the bad word is


are you from blends well with that word.. you father needs to relax a bit...just explain him the situation..

Alpha Kenny Body, but man for your dad to think WANKERS is a curse? Puhleeease.

British people have stupid curse words...wanker??

I've been saying "yew anchors" for 30 seconds now. It sounds like "you anchors" to me. I'm totally confused why someone would think this is cursing.

Yew anchors becomes you wankers people.

Isn't that essentially like calling someone a "jerk"? How is that a curse word?

Bet you can't wait to move out on your own. There's a reason, right there, to NOT be a fundamentalist.

One also ends up sayig "and curse you and curse you and curse you..."

If you call yourself fairly stupid, then you aren't just fairly, you are VERY stupid. YDI.