By ilovedirt - 10/07/2011 03:12 - United States

Today, I was tanning by the pool. My friend put his arms under my back and knees and picked me up. He threw me across the kiddy pool to my boyfriend, shouting "Catch!" My boyfriend didn't catch me. Instead of a tan, I have a huge bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 320
You deserved it 3 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beryd 0

At least your still getting some color. : )


ScubaSteve96 0
ScubaSteve96 0

i guess shes falling for you!

aldinaaa 0

awh :( well maybe you'll get tan enough that the bruise won't be noticable :-)

That's what ya get for laying out!! Ahaa!!

starburst7596 14

I think that "friend" might want to be more than friends.

MelissaLove234 7

You're a fatass aren't u Yeah I thought so

giovonni 7


that's why you say "catch" BEFORE he throws you not AFTER.