By ilovedirt - 10/07/2011 03:12 - United States

Today, I was tanning by the pool. My friend put his arms under my back and knees and picked me up. He threw me across the kiddy pool to my boyfriend, shouting "Catch!" My boyfriend didn't catch me. Instead of a tan, I have a huge bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 320
You deserved it 3 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beryd 0

At least your still getting some color. : )


Who picks up a human being and chucks them at people? That's what beach balls are for, dickface.

RyryIARfml 0

Dump his ass. That's hella wrong. :b

She's not dating the friend, and it's not necessarily the boyfriend's fault he didn't catch her. There are many reasons why he may not have been able to so there's no need to punish the boyfriend!

you ******* idiot. You think her boyfriend expects his girlfriend getting thrown? and how the **** is he supposed to catch her? its not that ******* easy. If I threw a huge ******* chair at you yelling "Catch!" and your imaginary ******* boyfriend didnt catch it and the chair hit you, its your boyfriends fault? Go ******* die.

113 - While you're right to give this person shit, you need to calm the **** down.

d33emar 0

u didn't even feel them? odd

phailamon 0

I wouldn't catch my gf either if some random guy whose her "friends" touching her and throwing her either

lisha88 1

what did he throw you? he's not a good friend I hope he feels bad and makes it up to you

ArsenalFan12 0

he was just testing ur reactions. and im sorry to say u failed like will farrell on the office