By ilovedirt - 10/07/2011 03:12 - United States

Today, I was tanning by the pool. My friend put his arms under my back and knees and picked me up. He threw me across the kiddy pool to my boyfriend, shouting "Catch!" My boyfriend didn't catch me. Instead of a tan, I have a huge bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 320
You deserved it 3 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beryd 0

At least your still getting some color. : )


TalkinSmack 6
Vash_41288 10

I'm just wondering why the BF did not catch her?

mikaylaraymond 0

we can say assholes sorry op that sucks

Sunny_Eclipse 6

So sorry, OP!I have friends just like this. Hope the bruise isn't too bad.

KatrinaKitten 16

Ouch! Maybe your boyfriend just has really slow eye-hand coordination and what-not :/

minidinosaurgoes 9

i thought it was going to say that you landed on a kid and their ex marine dad beat you up or sumptin like that

why was your boyfriend in the kiddie pool...?

softball40xx 0

might wanna get a new friend... or at least talk to him about it.

How is this even partially the boyfriend's fault? What if the "friend" threw her poorly or didn't throw her far enough? It's unreasonable to expect the boyfriend to catch her in a situation like that. The friend shouldn't have picked her up in the first place.