By joe - 23/06/2013 23:36 - United States - Easton

Today, I was teasing my 6-year-old sister about having a boyfriend. I asked her, "Did he take his shirt off?" She promptly said no. A few minutes later, she said, "But he did take his pants off." I then asked why. She said, "To show me his penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 692
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think he meant to do it in a sexual manner... their young children... it's curiosity..

I didn't even know boys had different part than me when I was 6. Wow.


this next generation is going to be so messed up I have a feeling

caligirllife 11

At that age it's almost normal for kids to start noticing or be curious about what makes the opposite sex so opposite. As long as its just looking there's nothing to worry about

rokolodo 10

And,, then you laughed and laughed. Then you told your mom and laughed some more. Then the whole family found out u guys rolling on the ground laughing. Wow,

Now you know all they were doing was playing doctor?

I certainly didnt even know the word "penis" when i was six! Kids these days are growing up too fast!

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Well, it's more correct than "private parts" or "pee-pee." There's nothing wrong with knowing the correct word for an anatomical part. If it were sexual slang (like "dick" or "****"), then yes, I'd say kids are growing up too fast. mum always made sure I knew what the proper names for things were. Children don't NEED to use baby words for everything. Knowing the word 'penis' isn't any loss of innocence.

I had to wait till I was 17 for this to happen to me. what is this would coming to? :/

Did you at least give her some pointers?

When I was 6, I frequently took my bath with my brothers. And yes, I would look at their penis, because I didn't have one and I was curious. So I think they were just curious little kids who want to see the difference between them. Even after I learned how babies were made, a penis had no sexual connotation to me for years, probably until I was around 15 and I became interested in guys.

Please, no more "what's wrong with kids these days" comments. My wife saw her first playground penis at age 6 back in 1987. Nothing's changed.