By joe - 23/06/2013 23:36 - United States - Easton

Today, I was teasing my 6-year-old sister about having a boyfriend. I asked her, "Did he take his shirt off?" She promptly said no. A few minutes later, she said, "But he did take his pants off." I then asked why. She said, "To show me his penis." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 692
You deserved it 8 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think he meant to do it in a sexual manner... their young children... it's curiosity..

I didn't even know boys had different part than me when I was 6. Wow.


I don't see why people are making such a fuss over this. It's totally normal. I saw vag when i was like 5, we were just curious. All kids are curious, it's not a sexual thing, they just wanna know what's going on with the other gender.

ViviMage 38

When I was 4 years old I knew daddy had different parts to pee with. I just thought he did #2s through that too!! She should enjoy childhood, not have adult content this early!

It's not adult content through their eyes.. They have no idea what they're used for, or how to have sex. It's just curiosity..

jw90 18

Shows you for prying haha. But really? What the hell has happened to children these days?

summerguy97 16

They were peeking like when little kids play doctor, you idiot.

I see nothing wrong with this! I played "doctor" with a girl who had a crush on me in pre-school, nothing wrong with this at all.

RedPillSucks 31

Did she survive the appendectomy?

SleeplessBeauty 12

Hey, at least she was honest.

Well, perhaps she was joking mainly to do with the fact she is only six, then again your boyfriend may be a pedo, keep an eye on him. Be sure because you don't want to unjustly blacklist someone on a hunch.

Not OP's boyfriend, OP's Sister's boyfriend. He's probably six as well.

Sorry misread that one, still, six year olds do the darnest things, keep an eye on them.

vencku 13

It's the sister's boyfriend. Not OP's. Which means he's probably also around six years old. Hardly a pedo.

vencku 13

I should have refreshed the page before writing that. Obviously. My apologies.

vencku 13

I'm joining the "nothing wrong with it" camp. I saw a boy's penis in elementary school. Being curious as a child - when you don't even have sexual desires - doesn't equal being stupid or a **** at a later age. On the contrary, you already know, so less curiosity as a teenager (in my case).

Odd how kids loose their innocence at such a young age now days. Damn, i didnt even know what a ****** was until i had sex-ed in grade7.... Scary.

How did she lose her innocence? It's not like they were thinking sexually.. Again, it was just curiosity. People need to lighten up.

Personally I find it more scary that you didn't see a ****** till grade 7. Even if you didn't see a friends when you were didn't you ever read a book or something? Didn't your parents explain the difference between boys and girls to you or where babies come from? You must have been one very simple-minded and content child to not be the tiniest bit curious...