By FMluck - 26/02/2009 22:11 - United States

By FMluck - 26/02/2009 22:11 - United States
#22 Haha, so true.
ahaha, soooo funny. best one of the week by far.
too funny, you set yourself up for that one!
HAHAHA!! wow you should have seen that coming. if your vag smells like ass, go to the gyno and make sure everything down there is good! and maybe shower more frequently. soap and water is good on the OUTSIDE, unless you shove the bar up there! (dont) and yeah im with #22 on the whole ball-sweat thing. tell him when you down on him that his dick doesn't exactly smell like roses. especially if his ass smells too, oh god.
you got owned
Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (memcache). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (tcp:// in Unknown on line 0 ) - thx for the encouragement! (7455 Warning: Unknown: Failed to write session data (memcache). Please verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct (tcp:// in Unknown on line 0 )
Wtf Jimmy. and thats sad your boyfriend had to say that to you lol but you deserved it sorry. wash that stanky vag'
This is why you don't dish out hate when you aren't prepared to take it in return.
u shud prob shave then