By mr.palendrome - 06/03/2009 02:27 - United States

Today, I was teasing my little brother. Later that night, I went to the bathroom to wash up. While I'm brushing my teeth, my little brother slips a photo under the door that shows him scrubbing my toothbrush against his nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 442
You deserved it 28 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tomorrowbroadway 0
warmvanillasugar 0

lol how old is this little brother?!


rachilio 26

Ah. How I Met Your Mother sure has an impact on kids these days.

Two things 1st how old is the little ass and 2nd copy the pick and post it on Facebook

Lol I know how you feel man I left once while snacking with my friends and I left and came back then I ate the ret of my cookies and downed my milk only then did a friend of mine tell me he dipped his nuts into the milk, I then threw up violently

i dontknow which i would b more appaled at my toothbrush or seeing my lil bros package....both equally disturbing

sheerem 7

Ewww! YDI! P.S. little bro...YES!!!

i want to meet this kid. that could get him idolized lol