By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France

Today, I was telling my boyfriend about how self conscious I am and how I obsess about my weight. He said, "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to lose THAT much weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 036
You deserved it 28 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was trying to be nice, you don't need to put it on fml.

oboewhore_xD 6

Wow. There's a lot of rude people on FML. No need to call her "fatty" or "lil piggy". :(


Are the comments to this FML making anyone else lose faith in humanity? It's really starting to scare me that I may end up with a boyfriend who thinks it's totally fine to tell me that I need to lose weight. :

OOooohh!! I'll be constructive for a change (er, actually, following the trend I set in #76) and offer you some practical advice! 1) stay like you are and you'll never have that problem -or- 2) do get fat, but find a guy who's into BBW.

The fact that you're obviously a troll, but you're being sizeist, is kinda proving my point. :)

bawhawhaw my boyfriend didnt lie about me being fat to make me feel better, tears forever

274 some people do NEED to lose weight, people who are very overweight need to lose weight. If a woman is 5'3" and 300 pounds she does NEED to lose weight, for the sake of her health.

And you deduced that the OP is 300 pounds how? It's possibly to be healthy no matter what your weight is. Some people can weight 300 pounds and be healthier than their 100-pound friends. It really depends on the specific person and what weight their body is naturally supposed to be at.

joa76 3

True. I know a guy who is about 5'9" and weighs upwards of 220 (possibly even 250) pounds, which technically makes him overweight, right? But he's a football coach, works at a gym, lifts every day, and has no more than 5% body fat. I, on the other hand, am 5'2", weigh about 100 pounds, and am borderline underweight, yet I am incredibly out of shape, have no stamina, and eat way more junk food than I am supposed to. (Yes, I know, start running and eating salad...the problem being that it'd be hard to do that and not lose weight, which would be a very bad thing.) Who's healthier? Clearly him, by FAR.

I sincerely don't get why the OP's boyfriend is an asshole. What kind way was there of putting this? I would seriously like to know. People on this site would say 5000 "Dump his ass" comments if a guy sneezed wrong.

maybe it's time to take a hint. if your subconscious about your weight you probably need to loose some.

If you're subconscious...? I think you mean self conscious...

FLCL4711Fox 0

he's being honest yet gentle. WTF is wrong with this?!?!

samanthar 0

well at least u won't get mad cause he lied to u..but if everyone thinks about it either way..honest or lie we still get mad

samanthar 0

well at least u cant get mad at him for lieing...but if u think about it..either way, lieing or honest we still end up getting mad about it

badphoneguy_fml 0