By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France

Today, I was telling my boyfriend about how self conscious I am and how I obsess about my weight. He said, "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to lose THAT much weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 036
You deserved it 28 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was trying to be nice, you don't need to put it on fml.

oboewhore_xD 6

Wow. There's a lot of rude people on FML. No need to call her "fatty" or "lil piggy". :(


I'd rather have my boyfriend tell me I need to lose some weight that have him lie to me about it... If OP is that self conscious she wouldn't believe her bf anyway even if he said she was thin.. the conversation would have ended up going: "oh no babe you're not fat" "you're just saying that..." can't win either way....

Nobody needs to lose weight, though. Each person has their own idea of what an acceptable weight is: if some girls find out they weigh 105 pounds instead of 100, they think they “need” to lose weight, whereas others would be perfectly at 120 or 160 or whatever. So it’s not okay to tell someone else what you think their body should look like.

oh no baby, i mean stay fat and plushy so soon your whole body will be just one big curve.

I hate how people automatically assume the girl was fishing for compliments. A lot of times when girls ask this they honestly have self esteem issues. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of girls who do indeed do that, but assuming things like that is the reason why you don't have a ******* girlfriend.

Lilllly_1316 0

So people have a medical problem and it's almost impossible to lose weight, or extreamly hard to at that. Maybe it's not her fault, and she doesn't like it. Hava heart.

I wouldn't take that to heart. 1) most people should shed a few pounds. 2) a lot of guys have trouble saying things the way they mean it.

imright24 0

Yup, sometimes there is no response that won't get a guy in trouble. YDI.

The intelligence (or lack thereof) of this site never ceases to astound me. Just because OP is self-conscious doesn't mean she's a fat whale. For all we know she could have a little pouch or love handles, but is otherwise fine. I mean how many young women out there obsess over their looks when there's nothing wrong with them at all? We probably all know at least one. I know when I lost a bunch of weight before high school I still obsessed over it, even though I wasn't overweight at all. But OP is blowing this way out of proportion. I understand your self-conscious about your weight, but it sounds like you cornered the guy, and he didn't really know how to word his response. It's nothing to fret over.

sooo... when you lost all that weight, dis it depress you that your skin was stretched out and nasty... and that you still weren't one of the cute girls... is that why you deluded yourself into thinking you are smarter than other people... coping mechanism?

You mean like how you deluded yourself into thinking that you're perceptive enough to know about an entire facet of the life of a stranger on the Internet? Not even close.

for once, i wonder who voted this in to be on the front page. it's pretty useless. anyway, i believe that your boyfriend's response was probably a thinly veiled compliment. don't be a toddler and cry all the time, and, more importantly, don't obsess over your weight, as that will create more problems for you. just be comfortable with yourself. if you have genuine concerns about body fat levels and other such things, then simply work toward your goals. oh, and smile! like this :D |the kid|

obviously not obsessed enough to diet and exercise ... or, let me guess, thyroid problem? slow metabolism? some other uncontrollable health issue that makes you tubby?

Ignorant. Sometimes, the above IS the case. They may very well have a slow metabolism or a thyroid problem.

258: Why assume the OP even has any weight to lose? She could be insecure about her body despite being thin. Also, it's tough to lose weight even when you diet and exercise. After a while, your body gets uses to your diet/exercise plan and you stop losing weight.