By Username - 06/10/2010 21:59 - France

Today, I was telling my boyfriend about how self conscious I am and how I obsess about my weight. He said, "Don't be ridiculous, you don't need to lose THAT much weight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 036
You deserved it 28 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

he was trying to be nice, you don't need to put it on fml.

oboewhore_xD 6

Wow. There's a lot of rude people on FML. No need to call her "fatty" or "lil piggy". :(


C6Racer 0

I'm pretty damn sure he didn't mean it the way you think he did.

see, thats corporation america telling you your fat and making you self conscious by giving you false images of beauty. watch dove evolution and you will see

What exactly is a true image of beauty, then? What's considered beautiful changes with every person.

this can go down a long, winding philosophical road. but you're right. everyone has their own individual perception of beauty, and no single person can define what beauty is. the same goes for nearly everything. |the kid|

Exactly. They're all metaphysical concepts. But I'm going to stop with the philosophical jargon, because now it feels like yesterday. God that class is intense.

831_salas 0

that's mean. kinda funny though haha

wyatt7094 0

And you blame him for being honest?! I don't understand what people like you expect. I guess it would make you feel better if everyone lied about your weight. Except it and be happy or loose the weight!

come on girl! he proba just worded it wrong my brother does that too my mum all the time!! or he was probs joking

whoisthisgirl 4
ElMundio87 0

don't worry OP, keep eating all that junk food and eventually you'll implode into a microscopic black hole guys love holes