By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 04:51 - United States - Hernando

Today, I was texting my girlfriend and asked her for a picture, expecting something provocative. She sent me a picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test. We had sex once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 033
You deserved it 46 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't matter how many times you had sex, there's always a possibility of pregnancy! Have you never heard of 'wrap it before you tap it'?

Condoms are easier to change than diapers.



I just can't get over how dumb the OP is! He's like, "we only had sex once!" as if that means its impossible to get pregnant the first time! Lol YDI for not thinking logically!

and when it comes to that little ARE the father!!

Just like the saying goes, it only takes one time! Did you wrap it or just raw dog it?

LeeLee143 0

That's Why I'm Pregnant, And You Tha Pappy. :)