By Anonymous - 09/06/2012 04:51 - United States - Hernando

Today, I was texting my girlfriend and asked her for a picture, expecting something provocative. She sent me a picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test. We had sex once. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 033
You deserved it 46 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't matter how many times you had sex, there's always a possibility of pregnancy! Have you never heard of 'wrap it before you tap it'?

Condoms are easier to change than diapers.


lumberjack610 1

Do you own a spoon, a vacuum, and some duct tape? Watch McGuyver

Bit of a harsh way to find out I must admit, but hey you have to face the consequences of your actions, even if it was only once!

cuddlebunny3548 11

That's all it takes these days.

coldsteelstu 4

don't be a fool. wrap your tool.

satansdaughter90 0

Now if the idiot Does think having sex won't get her pregnant he totally deserves it. Also condoms suck some birth control when taken irregularly can fail and going raw dog is just never a good idea because some can leak out inside sooo yea you're an idiot

" condoms suck some birth control"? You're calling OP an idiot while you type a run-on sentence with no punctuation?

...what if OP's girlfriend cheated?! :O Obviously I know that pregnancy can happen on the first try, but we don't know if OP did or did not use a condom (hey, even if he did, it could have broken anyway) orrrrr if the girlfriend lied about being on birth control, or something like that... Trying to be 'positive' for you, OP... bad pun intended. ;)

ugh202 0