By fml7458364838 - 25/06/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was texting the girl I am in love with. I was dropping hints about liking someone who I didn't know if they liked me back. Flirting a little. And just when I thought she'd say she liked me too, she said "Don't worry, if you were straight, I would definitely date you!". FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 499
You deserved it 5 509

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How about telling her youre not gay????? Problem solved

Tell her your not gay! Lol unless she says no after you tell her


You're not supposed to text people you like.... don't you watch tough love? YDI for not watching enough vh1

Dude she may have been interested but might not have been sure if you were gay or not, and you just confirmed it for her by not denying it. You should have continued the "flirting" with, "oh is that so? Being that I AM straight... what are you doing Tomorrow night?" She'll be all, "Oh stop it, you," to which you reply, "No seriously, let's catch a movie or grab a bite somewhere classy. My treat." She'd pretty much HAVE to say yes. Chicks love free food.

show her this FML page? It might just work?

highonlife77 0

Dude just tell her your not gay. There's your new girlfriend

well there you go, she'd definitely date you !

This does not seem like an FML at all. If you're not gay just tell her so.

Kira_fml 0

how about you deserved it for being a retard. what did you expect from her? a guessing game?? pick your game up because you are a ******* failure.

K she obviously likes you, so just tell her you're strait!

How about calling immediately and saying "I'm not gay, and you're the one I love"?

she may have actually said it to let you know how she feels without looking like a loser since she now thinks you like some other girl. better to make you feel weird than to be rejected herself, yeah?