By Paramedic - 17/11/2009 11:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was the paramedic at the scene of a car accident. One lady was hurt, and we had trouble getting any information from her as she was sobbing. I radioed in the details and said "...a lady in her mid 30's, ETA 10 minutes." She stopped crying, slapped me, and said, "I'm 28." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 124
You deserved it 4 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Suree 0

So now you've learned that you always state "around 29". ;-)


Now, if she had cooperated and given information, she wouldn't have been called a mid-thirties woman. *eyeroll*

Yapanesedidwhat 0

If she could stop crying long enough to slap you and tell you her correct age, then she must've been faking most of it to get pity.

What a weirdo, she didn't deserve your help and was probably sobbing for attention.

babylon_pride 0

Obviously she's faking it for either pity or the ability to sue someone. The bitch.

call her ugly betty to get a name out of her.

lolhahahahhahaaa 0

So? ...did you slap her back? or pussied-out?

File a complaint about her for assault and battery? :X