By Anasztaizia - 26/03/2015 06:58 - United States - Burnsville

Today, I was told by my boyfriend's parents to never come back to his house again, and was given a lecture about rule breaking. Apparently, curfew is midnight, and he isn't allowed to have girls over. This didn't sound so unreasonable until I remembered that we're both almost 30. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 960
You deserved it 3 999

Anasztaizia tells us more.

Anasztaizia 3

OP here! #51, you are both correct and incorrect. It IS actually his place, but he bought it off his parents. TL;DR: when they decided it was time to downsize, he bought their house off them, but they haven't moved out yet. The mentality of it still being their house, their rules (which I agree is sensible) hasn't quite left their heads yet.

Top comments

If your boyfriend still lives at home when he's 30, it's time to find a new boyfriend.


buttcramp 21

if you're an adult with a job, pay for your own things, pay your parents rent, etc then you should have good boundaries with your parents. i don't think we have enough info on the boyfriend to judge.

Anasztaizia 3

OP here! To those wondering, yeah, he may not be a keeper, but it's for completely different reasons than you're probably thinking. He owns the house. His parents live with him. The TL;DR version of it: he bought the house off his parents, they just haven't moved out yet. We've been together roughly 2 years (during which yes, he did live at home, but paid his own rent, phone, share of the bills, etc), but he bought the house from them only about 6 months ago (the house is too big for just the two of them; time to downsize). They haven't found a place to buy, so they haven't moved out yet. I imagine they're having a hard time letting go of the "my house, my rules" mentality.

Where did you get the idea that his parents live with him? They said that they'll never visit, not that they'll move out.

That's a tough spot to be in OP. Your boyfriend and his parents have some issues to work out before he's ready for a serious relationship. If you decide to stay with him, just know that you've got a long, tough road ahead of you.

#61 "Please do not reproduce."? Really? And I knew I would get downvoted. People are too set on their own ways to think outside the box. Anyway, I didn't say they should hold their kids hands, I said the parents have responsibility. Parents create human beings for their own selfish reasons. You never know what kind of difficulties your kid will go through in life. Everybody suffers, so by having them you're giving a being the opportunity to suffer. From nothing to suffering. If your kid spends his life in agony it's your fault from bringing him to this world. If your kid has a good life it's your fault from bringing him to this world. You are completely responsible for this life, so it's your duty to always help if your help is needed. The kid doesn't owe you anything. You didn't do it a favor. You didn't ask if he wanted to be here.

#11 That's not always the case. I'm living with my fiancé in his parents' house for school. I pay my share of bills, rent, food, gas, other needed items. That doesn't mean I have the right make my own rules. I am living under someone else's roof. If it's not my place, it's not my right. I can either accept it or get out.

Sounds like a weird situation but bottom line, if a couple is around 30 and NOT sleeping together then there's a problem. Parents are nuts.

correct, it sucks, but perhaps he should think of moving out. afteral he is 30. unfortunately while he stays at his parents, he's bound by their house rules. best of luck

Leaving him is a bit harsh. Just try to get him to move out and move in with you.

To everyone confused, OP posed a further explanation ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️