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By Anonymous - 20/06/2015 01:22 - United States

Today, I was using the toilet. I was still insanely pissed off over an argument with my girlfriend, which kind of explains why I was wiping my ass so furiously that my fingers broke through the tissue and ended up in my ass, causing me to shriek like a little girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 896
You deserved it 14 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bet the fight was about her not wanting to do anal


Textastrophe 13

Let's all take a moment of silence for our friend

The people in the other stalls must have been so confused lol

Megatron_Griffin 25

I'm pretty sure he was in his own home..and OP you should have wiped it on her pillow. You're left with a sore brown eye, and she gets a sore pink eye

Megatron_Griffin 25

Glad someone has a sense of humor. I have always had the room next to the bathroom all my life so my brothers and my father would always make comments like "I'm gonna go fart on your pillow so you get pink eye". I guess every one would rather the same joke about him liking anal just written different ways ten times in a row haha

Right, "you weren't paying attention to how rough you were wiping" OP ;)

Megatron_Griffin 25

That pun stunk worse than OPs finger :P

thesawgmizer 14

Well that was a shitty situation, no? I'll just leave then.

Go sit in the corner and think about what you just said.

SweetSociopathy 24

Dear moderators, I know you're tired of these craptastic puns, so please start zapping them into oblivion. Or maybe you should stick the posters in FML jail because we all feel violated.

Don't let other people get to you. You'll just end up screwing yourself in the butt.

WTF? I've never been that pissed off.

Wow, I just had the most terrible image pop into my head.

brendejafulable 41
pleasedie 22

...... I don't even want to know