By ImNotFat - 07/08/2013 06:04 - United States - Havertown

Today, I was video chatting with my boyfriend and his friends. When I stood up, he told his friend "See, she's not a twig!" I jokingly replied with, "So I'm fat?" After a few seconds of silence, his friend yelled, "It's a trap!" and left the chat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 843
You deserved it 15 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lennes 12

To be fair, discussing a girls weight is like having a parade through a mine field.

No OP, you're at the sweet spot between twig and fat... *takes cover just in case*


BlackFire4890 16

I'm female and I'm with his friend on this one. lol

Lmao I would have laughed so hard OP, at least his friends didn't decide that it was a perfect opportunity to tease you.

I'm female as well and I would have done what his friend did too.

Celestyna 16

Lolllll I’m sure they were just joking around! Me and my partner call each other fatties all the time.