By Anonymous - 24/01/2013 07:17 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I was waiting inside the shelter at the bus stop when a lady came up to me and asked if I would mind if she peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 204
You deserved it 2 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask her if she minds that you watch her.

shyboy3092 6


Mads_1234 28

My response would have to be "Only if I can film it."

ViviMage 39

Police have ticketed children less than 4 for public urination. I wouldn't....

It's where she intended to pee that makes me wonder why she had to ask.

Um I hope you said yes you mind go find a restroom geez

skyeyez9 24

And our govt is pushing us to use public transportation vs driving your own vehicle. Weirdos like the one OP encountered are the exact reason I do not ride the bus, subway, train..Etc They are more abundant especially on a greyhound bus.

She probably just really needed to pee for some reason and couldn't find a bathroom. That doesn't make her weird.

I'm curious what country you're from (I can't see your location on the Android app) and why you feel your government is "pushing us to use public transportation."

That's right. Maybe she just killed off her second 40.