By yes, yes it does :( - 30/04/2014 21:11 - United States

Today, I was waiting on a Canadian tourist at work, and he bought some of the most expensive stuff on the menu. I was excited about maybe getting a big tip, so I casually said that in the USA, waiters make most of our money off tips. The guy just snorted, "Sucks to be American, eh?!" and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 160
You deserved it 31 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's basically asking for a tip. What a way to treat customers.

toxic_walrus 15

You were fishing for it but he was being a dick. I voted both.


blairvic 23

We tip in Canada too, 15-20%. He was just being an idiot.

*he was just being treated like OP's wallet and he didn't like her comments. Without the comment he would have likely tipped well.

Well he obviously wasn't a real canadian if he acted like a penis.. Unless he came back and said "sorry"

While it sucks... you were fishing for that tip by mentioning it. Rather unprofessional on your part so for that you definitely deserve it.

Finally, a comments section that actually sees the light (for the most part). You totally deserve it, OP. Tipping should be outlawed - you are the worst kind of person, asking for a tip. I hope you work as a waiter for the rest of your life.

1. Try--really try--to avoid that whole 'casually mention' thing. Not professional, though tempting. In that respect, you do kinda deserve it by basically asking for a tip. You ruined your chances. 2. In an entirely different respect, that guy is the king of assholes and shouldn't have shot you down that way. (MAYBE another way, but certainly not that way.) 3. A lot of people clearly haven't been to Canada, it's the same situation, only a hair better. Jeez.

In Ohio, my server friends make less than minimum wage but if their reported tips plus their pay per hour do not average out to the minimum wage then their pay per hour does go up to minimum wage for that time period. Also it seems that serving drains a person's soul.

Guess Canadians aren't as polite as we thought

I think we should just get rid of tips and actually pay you guys a decent wage. Then when people complain about the increase in price for their food you can go "Yes well I guess you should have tipped, eh?". Don't eat out if you cannot afford a tip! It is that simple. Go to a fast food place or something like that if you cannot tip.

TIPS stand for To Insure Prompt Service. Making it mandatory would defeat it's purpose

False etymology. To Insure Promptness (or Prompt Service) is a backronym.

I really feel for you guys as here in the UK, waiting staff get the hourly national minimum wage plus tips. But most people leave a tip for great service. Id feel even more inclined to tip if i were in the USA but as a customer, that is my choice predicated on your quality of service.

Eh uh sorry. Not all Canadians are like that you know. Most of us aint aboot that eh