By california - 14/03/2009 20:55 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street and noticed a man in ripped clothes with a cup out asking for money. I was on my way to the movies but I felt like this man needed it more that me. Right as I gave it to him, he pulled out his blackberry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 459
You deserved it 17 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'd be surprised how much money hobos make.

Rabbittt 0

I know that there's going to be a shitstorm really soon. #2, speaking as someone who has known a lot of street kid and hung out with them while they spanged, no, they don't make a lot of money. (There are a few places, like Vegas, where every other person hands you a twenty, but I'll just assume that the OP doesn't live there) I'd also like to say that just ignoring a homeless person asking you for spange is a really terrible thing to do. Do you honestly think that they're going to want to go get a job after seeing that most people treat them like they're not even human? After having people pretend you don't exist most of the time, you're eventually just going to assume that any potential employer is going to treat you like that, too. If you don't want to give people money, say no, I've never met anyone who will get mad if you don't give them anything. Buuut, now that I'm done lecturing people, I'd have to agree that that guy is a ******* asshole. He probably has a job or deals or finds money some other way and doesn't need to be panhandling.


huh wows a blackberry hu?? what the hell mayhaps he was a wall street person who lost his job? either way, what an asshole

GMSD213 0

#6 STFU your stupid. Go home. Noone likes you.

christopherlove 0

So the guy got the blackberry before he was homeless, and continues to use it to keep in touch with loved ones and for job-searching, so potential employers can reach him. Did you scream at him: "Hey! You're a bum! You're not supposed to have nice things! You're only allowed to possess the rags on your back and maybe a shopping cart full of cans!"

Not sure what the average street beggar makes in other cities but in my neighborhood (Aurora CO) I followed a street beggar back to his car (a 2007 BMW SUV) wherein he threw his sign and took off his fake knee brace and I assume rode back to his $400K home. I think its about time some of these so called "investigative journalist" do an expose of these guys. Don't hold your breath.

GMSD213 0

he was texting his fellow hobos about you.

Try giving money to a hobo then watch then skitter around the block and hop into a brand new bmv

ban4023 0

most homeless are families.dnt get the money give the ambition

SoulChoc_fml 0
metro_mello 0

thats ****** up! Not all homless people are like that though. But that is why you give them clothes,blankets, or food not money. My mom used to buy this dude food and give him her used clothes and give him blankets like every time we saw him. he was a real hobo. Eventually he got off the street which is good :). Most hobos are hobos because they have disabilites which prevent them from working. so still help hobos just dont give them money :)