By lynn777 - 04/04/2011 20:42 - Canada

Today, I was walking home through the slush and snow when a car drove by, soaking me with dirty water. Frustrated, I flipped him off. He then turned around and splashed me again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 284
You deserved it 22 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunshinify_fml 0

At least you didn't flick him off a second time...

No, what was rude was the ******** who splashed him in the first place


uncbballwins 0

I started on a hike once. Had to walk 3 miles through the woods so I could change my panties.

that will teach you. You do realize that the police always say to not flip people off... that's how people get hurt, or socked. If you flipped me off... I would have come out a socked you. It's slush... get over it, I live in Canada too... we all get it, deal with it. It's happened to me before and I'm still alive. Plus... it's still winter in most places in Canada, we have to deal with this every year... get used to it... and you should have expected it at one point since it's warming up.

can't we all just stop fighting and correct stupid errors when they know they did = seriously guys, agree with Mr. buttons here

uncbballwins 0

177- yes I am but the fact that there is slush in Canada in March is not because of global warming. This can be scientifically proven if you want to go that far.


58- Obviously #30 seen no humor in the comment. It's normal, there's no need to be a complete jackass about it because quite frankly I seen no humor in it myself. Some jokes make people laugh as to others it doesn't.

uncbballwins 0

Shit I meant to say sharted. And I would go into detail on my autocorrector but we all know how that goes..

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that people become really overbearing and snobby on FML comments, trying to insult people with the most complicated words they can think of. Where's the love?