By SpongeAbii2 - 24/01/2012 11:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I was walking home when an old guy came up to me asking for directions. After I pointed him in the right direction, he held my hand, stroked my face then pushed me into a bush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 760
You deserved it 2 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

He said erection, not direction. No wonder he's pissed.

GoW_Chick 14



ibelieb6 0

Stroked your face? Wtf who does that!

Track1991 0

Giving directions is one thing but when a guy touches you....uumm. At least you'll be more cautious.

To #16, that's the worst thing to do! who knows what he'll do, that dirty, dirty man.

Honestly, I don't know what to say to this. My face: o_O That's one eccentric man.

You don't know where those old hands have been.

hey, it was either that or him asking you to play bingo.

He was trying to hypnotize you. Search for "Derren Brown" on youtube.

chis_7032 1

Hahahhahahahhaha ew like fag.....