By Anonymous - 11/08/2014 17:24 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was walking to a job interview. I needed to get rid of some gum but there were no trash cans in sight, so I spat it out on the ground. Next thing I know, some guy grabs me, sticks the gum in my hair, and walks off, muttering curses. I couldn't get it out in time for the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 51 471

Same thing different taste


YDI for spitting it on the ground (if there really isn't a trash can anywhere, just swallow it? I do it all the time.) but also FYL, he shouldn't have reacted that way and it sucks that it was such bad timing right before the interview.

What the guy did was a bit much but what OP did was wrong too. If there was no trash can around or you didn't have any scrap of paper, you should've kept it until you can reach either one, not spit it on the ground.

wtf is wrong with you people yeah she could have wrapped it in some paper and pocketed it untilo she got to where interview was but no no one deserves to be assaulted OP I am so sorry this happen and you are being bombarded by ass hats and yes I know this comment will be downed but at least I'm not being an asshat and saying someone deserves to be assaulted

I'm sure there was a trash can wherever the interview was

kysier 8

Holy hell, so many people saying you deserve it OP, but just ignore them. EVERYONE has done that before, and there is no way in hell spitting gum out makes you deserving of assault.

While I hardly think it warranted an assault, spitting it on the ground is disgusting. I am kind of surprised to see the OP is a woman because it is usually guys who I have seen spitting. It is not only gross and rude, everyone knows what a pain it is to get gum off your shoe after stepping in it. Logic says that there would have been a trash can and most likely a bathroom at the interview location. If all else failed, you could have just swallowed it. Contrary to what some are told as children, gum does not harm you if swallowed. The last thing I would have thought of in that situation would have been to spit it on the ground.

Mochionnaa96 2

yeah ofcourse you deserve it...

nana_88 10
deathfyre8 13

YDI, I've stepped in gum countless times thanks to inconsiderate asses like you