By Anonymous - 11/08/2014 17:24 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was walking to a job interview. I needed to get rid of some gum but there were no trash cans in sight, so I spat it out on the ground. Next thing I know, some guy grabs me, sticks the gum in my hair, and walks off, muttering curses. I couldn't get it out in time for the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 51 471

Same thing different taste


lepy 6

you could have swallowed it???

tehdarkness 21
trellz17 19

The people who clicked YDI are a bunch of hypocrites. Almost everyone has spat gum on the ground before including me. FYL, no one deserves gum in their hair. Bunch of assholes on here

Spitting gum out like that is so inconsiderate, not only can it end up on someone else's shoe, a dog/other animal could eat it and get sick, plus its covered in all your germs and bacteria that you're spreading around spitting it out. Totally deserved, it will certainly make you think before you do it again. And even if you didn't find a bin before you got to the interview, I'm pretty damn sure there would have been toilets in the building, either use the restroom bin or flush it as a last resort.

thelaxersvlog 9
imbatmanfir 15

It's gum omg... Fyl op that was way douchier of that guy to do that than of you to spit your gum out..

Why is everyone complaining that they might get it stuck under their shoe? Have you guys forgotten that birds mistake gum for bread and try eating it and end up going through a slow death?