By Anonymous - 11/08/2014 17:24 - Czech Republic - Prague

Today, I was walking to a job interview. I needed to get rid of some gum but there were no trash cans in sight, so I spat it out on the ground. Next thing I know, some guy grabs me, sticks the gum in my hair, and walks off, muttering curses. I couldn't get it out in time for the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 699
You deserved it 51 471

Same thing different taste


I don't think you deserve it like a lot of the people here, I mean, you shouldn't have thrown it on the ground, but that's no excuse for him putting the gum in your hair...

You should've stick it under the table/chair or wrap it in a paper? Don't chew a gum if you don't know how to dispose it.

I like how you say 'stick it under the table/chair' as a way to dispose gum correctly. Next you'll be telling us to flush our condoms and tampons too.

Sidewalk understandable the street I am not sure why wasn't there a bush or something nearby or even just take it out when you arrive at the interview? There are many options...come on

Why didn't you just swallow it or wait? Nobody wants to step in somebody else's chewed up gum.

strangeite 4

I mean it was kind of gross to spit it on the sidewalk, but it was still totally uncalled for what the guy did

No jo no, to se stava :) Mozna si tam ani nemela mit budoucnost, kdo vi. Doufam zes tu zvejkacku nejak dostala z vlasu... Dej nam vedet jak to dopadlo! :D

What i don't understand is that all of you don't care that she was assaulted. Just because she spat her gum out on the ground gives no one the right to manhandle her and do that. Would you like that done to you? And don't give me that crap where you tell me you wouldn't do what she did. I see people do that all the time.